Sub-brands allow your main brand to create deeper connections with specific audiences through a process of meaningful fragmentation.
OSCE sub-brands should be explicitly connected to the parent and be connected by:
Connecting elements:
Color palette
Other elements such as marketing campaigns
Each OSCE Chairpersonship is responsible for the development of its logotype. The Chairpersonship logo comprises the OSCE logo plus elements that are directly related to national symbols and/or colors. To the extend possible, the logo should be consensual and avoid elements or emblems that could be seen as controversial by other OSCE participating States.
Before being used, the draft logo needs to be shared with COMMS ( who will liaise with relevant Secretariat stakeholders to provide feedback.
No changes are permitted in the OSCE logo when designing the Chairpersonship logo.
The main Chairpersonship logo is in English. Local language version are secondary logos.
Liase with for guidance regarding development of Chairpersonship logo.
See below a few examples of Chairpersonship logos:

Swedish Chairpersonship

Albanian Chairpersonship

Italian Chairpersonship
Alternate Chairpersonship logo (black and white)

FSC Chairmanship
The OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) Chairmanship rotates among OSCE Participating States with each State holding the Forum for four months.
The FSC Chairmanship logo consists of the FSC abbreviation based on the OSCE logo, an additional country flag and a logo descriptor with the country name and year+month.
No changes are permitted to the FSC logo when designing the Chairmanship logo.
The main Forum Chairmanship logo should be in English. Local language versions are secondary logos.
Liaise with for guidance regarding development of FSC Chairmanship logo.
See below a few examples of FSC Chairmanship logos:

2022 FSC logo Azerbaijan flag (RGB)

2022 FSC Belarus flag (RGB)

2021 FSC logo Austria flag (RGB)
When celebrating an anniversary, the OSCE logo should stay the same. An additional horizontal or vertical layer could be added. Please see an example below:

Latvia 30th anniversary
Public-facing online services / websites
The creation of logos for online-services is limited strictly to public-facing websites, such as the recruitment portal, e-learning platforms or collaboration platforms, where there is a strong case for a need of recognition of the OSCE brand and the identification of the service. This exclude the OSCE intranet (Jarvis), where no logo creation is allowed.
For public-facing online services, the following logo design should be used to ensure brand consistency, and approved by COMMS. Please see the template example below:

OSCE logo services negative

OSCE logo services positive
Should you require to produce a new logo, please contact
Mediterranean and Asian Partners for Co-operation
Download the Mediterranean and Asian Partners for Co-operation logos:
Court of Conciliation and Arbitration
Download the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration logos:
Other logos
When there is a need to create a sub-brand, please liaise directly with for further assistance to ensure that branding is cohesive and consistent.